It is pretty ironic for a band named Escape The Fate to have its nascent career marked by ill fate and death. After his involvement in a gunfight that tragically resulted in the death of poor 18-year-old Michael Cook, frontman Ronnie Radke was forced to plead guilty in court since his friend, who was responsible for the crime, committed suicide. He left the band subsequently, sentenced to five year probation in Las Vegas. Not to sound retrograde and obnoxious, but, in our humble opinion, judiciary considerations aside, Radke’s departure is a shame. Escape The Fate lost its most precious asset and one should know that there is an army of post-hardcore bands that would take the band’s place in a heartbeat. Blessed with a “devious charm” as the band’s publicist put it, the charismatic Ronnie Radke is what set the quintet apart in a sea of bands featuring saturated guitars and high-pitched singers. As a matter of fact, Escape The Fate was a talented band, as shown in the promising There’s No Sympathy For The Dead EP (2007), its first release on Epitaph records; and yes we did use the past tense since its futurepost-Radke couldn’t be more compromised.
The EP opens with Dragging Dead Bodies in Blue Bags Up Really Long Hills. The song title indeed drags on in what seems to be, depending on how you look at it, a jab at the trend of ridiculously long song titles that once prevailed in the scene. And this is exactly what characterizes Escape The Fate. A blasé listener might accuse the band of only regurgitating the same decades-old heavy metal clichés, never seeing past the tongue-in-cheek face-melting solos and the kitsch metal licks fired off at the speed of light. Sure, the band’s technical skills and boisterous energy largely contribute to their appeal. But beneath the fire and fury reside impressive songwriting skills, as seen in Dragging Dead Bodies’ delicious bridge, with Ronnie Radke chanting Let’s go. We’re on top of the world. The Ransom and As You’re Falling Down, endowed with infectious choruses, further prove that point. The two most hard-hitting songs, The Guillotine, which close the EP in a chaotic battlefield and the cathartic title-track make reappearance on the band’s debut full-length Dying Is Your Latest Fashion (2007), reviewed earlier in the blog, undoubtedly as a result of some pressure from the record label.
The band’s detractors can talk all they want; the world, okay maybe the scene, undeniably needs fun bands, not in a [insert any act signed by Fueled by Ramen] kind of way but more in a Every Time I Die’s guys night out party music kind of way.
Uffie, the American, Paris-based electro-rap teenage extraordinaire, posted a new song on her Myspace. This is something to get excited about given that we are still awaiting a full-length release on her part. The song is entitled Robot Oeuf and is featured on the Ed Banger Records (the French label home to gasp!Justice as well as Mr Oizo) volume III compilation, coming out May 26th 2008. And tell you what, the song is unsurprisingly badass as is the rest of Uffie's work.
Besides, we abruptly learned that the 19-year old singer got engaged. Naturally we thought it was very fairy tale-like, the fact that Uffie and long-time beau slash collaborator slash labelmate DJ Feadz were going to get married.
Except that to our horror the gamine didn't get engaged to Feadz but to a French graffiti artist named André! Word on the street is that he proposed in Tokyo, only ten days after they started dating and that the same day, they got each other's name tattoed. Yes we know, we do sound a bit like minus the drunken macho jokes about Kim Kardashian's butt or Jennifer Aniston in a bikini (what? what are you trying to imply? No really. We only read this pile of nonesense for research purposes. Okay to laugh at Heidi Montag's horseface. Okay maybe to read about Ashlee Simpson and Pete Wentz's wedding. There.).
Well, it all makes sense now. In fact, we were wondering to whom First Love's bitter lyrics were addressed to, and to our suspicions, they were adressed to none other than Feadz. Strangely enough, they were still together at the time she wrote and performed the song, since he contributed, along with Mr Oizo, to her first songs and demos. Oh well, let's push aside all this speculation in order to wish Uffie and her new Marc Jacobs look-alike fiancé much luck and happiness and pray for a debut album with some Feadz in it hopefully.
By nature extremely fleeting and unseizable, the fashion industry is truly a fascinating one. Trends go out of fashion as soon as new ones emerge. In this world, 25 is considered an advanced age and models are "over" when their faces start to get recognizable by the public. In other words, the careers of up-and-coming models are over just as fast as they exploded. I'm always amazed at how much I have to catch upon when I forsake fashion for a while. The amount of new designers/models/trends that come out each season is overwhelming. The fashion industry is growing so fast nowadays! For this reason, my current favourite models may not be the freshest faces out there, but they made their mark and they are quite popular models, top models to say the least.
First, let's start off with Canadian model Daria Werbowy. The gorgeous doe-eyed brunette's classic beauty allowed her to do Haute couture (Prada, Valentino) but she is very well able to do high street fashion (H&M) and cosmetics (Lancôme) due to her versatility.
The sculpturesque Raquel Zimmerman, in addition to having one of the most awesome first name know to man, is downright stunning. You might have seen the Brazilian model last year in those grotesque Viktor and Rolf for H&M tv commercials in which she portrayed a beaming bride in a bizarre world solely inhabited by twins.
And last but not least, Miss Agyness Deyn (pronounced Agness Deyn), whose first name can form a rather amusing word (!), is my current obsession. I even shamelessly stole a copy of Vogue magazine at a sushi bar one night because the British It-Girl was on the cover!
Agyness' career began in a storm, accompanied by much tumult surrounding her pseudonym (her real name is Laura Hollins) and her actual age (25) that she attempted to conceal. Her boyish looks and punk rock attitude were seen on every podium and in every magazine last season. She was very recently featured in Five O'Clock Heroes's music video for their single Who. Not only does she look absolutely beautiful in black and white but homegirl can sing!